Summer playdates offered to incoming kindergarteners

Normandy Principal Dan Sebring welcomes incoming kindergarteners to attend an optional playdate this summer. Photo courtesy Bay Village Schools

Normandy Elementary School welcomes all Class of 2035 incoming kindergarteners and one parent to attend an informal playdate this summer to meet Principal Dan Sebring and other new Normandy Bees. This is an optional event, and you only need to sign up for one date. The two remaining playdates are: Thursday, Aug. 4, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. or Thursday, Aug. 4, from 6 to 7 p.m. Parents can register at:

The playdates take place on Normandy's "Whales" playground (on the west side of the school), or in the cafeteria if there is inclement weather. Normandy PTA members will also be onsite to answer questions and accept membership applications.

If you have any questions, please contact Normandy School at 440-617-7350, or email Principal Sebring at

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Volume 14, Issue 12, Posted 9:59 AM, 06.21.2022