Kiwanis memorializes and honors Westlake heroes

Memorial Day will soon be here. The Westlake Kiwanis Club hopes you will participate in our annual community parade and services on Monday, May 29. 

Come out and line the parade route along Hilliard Boulevard and enjoy the parade, which starts at 10 a.m. in front of Sts. Peter and George Coptic and Orthodox Church and ends in Clague Park at the Gazebo for the Memorial Day Tributes.

The parade and services will honor those civilians and military that sacrificed so much to preserve our freedoms and protect our shores – many of those fallen were members of our Westlake community. If you participated in the parade or in the services in Clague Park in the past, the Westlake Kiwanis and the community appreciate your participation and hope you will take part again this year. 

Please make sure to attend the services at the Gazebo; don't let those who gave so much be forgotten. Memorial Day not only memorlalizes those fallen heroes of various wars but also honors those who carried and are carrying the traumatic effects of those various incursions throughout their lifetime. 

If you missed this fun and moving event in the past, we hope you will join us this year. There is plenty of room for various groups of marchers and floats. If you wish to participate in this year's parade and or service, contact Rick Grane at 440-829-0974,

Victor Rutkoski

I am a member of the Westlake Kiwanis and and advisor for the Westlake Kiwanis Aktion Club. The Aktion Club is sponsored by the Kiwanis the same as a Key, Builders and Circle K Clubs. Aktion Club is for adults with disabilities 18 years of age and up. The new President of the Westlake Kiwanis asked me handle publicity for the Kiwanis and Aktion Clubs.I am a retired Manager of Expenditures for the CSX Corp. I moved to Cleveland's exteme Westside 10 years ago from Freeport, PA a town about 30 miles northeast east of Pittsburgh where I had lived all my life. Work related issues brought my family to Cleveland.

Read More on Community Events
Volume 15, Issue 9, Posted 9:53 AM, 05.16.2023